Avinash Pathak Week rules
1 Book Read
- 30 page per day
(30*7 = 210)
1 Cycle Ride
-20-50km or more depending on your capacity makes you healthy
1 Tree Planting
-Watring the plant Help You for morning walk cause you have to go daily to take care
- watring the tree is Vedic Worship it's helps to grow spritually
- after you die you tree remain, they will be your lagacy
These Three Rule will make you healtht wealthy & better human being
I following these ..... It's can be done easily by anyone. 52 weeks in year we live 5200 week (100 years) if we are fit
So plan your week by your goals & add these little havit as rule of life,to be more productive.
© Avinash Pathak
एक टिप्पणी भेजें